Thursday, July 9, 2009

Top Model

She is adorable. She really enjoyed modeling for the camera. Such a natural. She also just turned 5 and had her ears pierced for her birthday. She even paid for it with her own money she had gotten. She hardly even blinked when they did it. She was so exicted. What a Girl!

My cute fat baby. She is now 3 months old and weighs about 13.5 lbs. So much fun! I also have to brag that she sleeps through the night. Night before last she slept for 8 1/2 hours. It is about time that I had a baby that slept.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

New Little Girl!

So we are finally done being pregnant. Bridgette Kate was born on April 2, 2009 @ 10:50 pm she weighted 7lbs 9 ozs and was 19 inches long. Not too bad for being 2 weeks early.
So the story of having the baby - Thursday I was taking Elaina back to daycare from school and it was snowing and slushy as I got out of my car I slide and fell on my butt. Not that big of a deal. I went back to work and about 3 hours later I just didn't feel good and wanted to sleep. So I left work and went home to take a nap. I called Andrew to tell him that I was sleeping and not to bother me and he somewhat forced me to the doctor. I went in and they started monitoring me but didn't think that it was anything major but wanted me to go the hospital and just be watched for a few hours. So I was there and just hanging out the nurse came in and checked me and I was at a 3 (no big deal). But right after that I started having contractions that were about 30 secs apart. They weren't really bothering me so I didn't think much of it. Now you have to remember that my husband was not here so he kept calling wanting to know if he should come home. About 20 minutes after the contractions started the Doctor came in and said that we would either need to stop my labor or start it and because I fell and the contractions were so close he decided to break my water. I called Andrew and said "get your butt here cause we are having a baby." So he started on his way and they broke my water. Now in past babies after this point it would take about 5 to 6 hours and they usually give me pit. So I wasn't too worried that Andrew wouldn't make it. But after 3 hours they checked me and said that it was time. I managed to wait for another 45 minutes but than had to push. She only took about 3 good pushes and was here. So as you can guess Andrew didn't make it. I had Bridgette with my Mom and Mother-in-Law there with me. My dad was also there but I made him leave for the actually pushing part. So it was pretty sad that her Daddy wasn't there but what can we do. He was 50 minutes late and so sad that he wasn't there. But he has been home for the last 10 days and just left today to go back to WY so now I get to be a single mom with 4 kids. Anyway, that was a long story hope that I didn't bore you to death. For anyone else stilling having kids make sure that your husband is close by and that you have a clue when you are in labor.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

So I am really counting down the days now. I am down to 26 days. And the good news is that I get to get induced on the 8th of April so I am looking at only 3 more weeks. Yippee!
I convinced my doctor to start me early so that Andrew could be there. He is now working in Wyoming so it is not like I can just call him up and say "Hey honey, we are having a baby." And him making it home on time. So the doctor said he would do an ultra sound on the 3rd just to make sure that she was big enough, but since she is measuring 2 weeks ahead of schedule I am not worried about it. I am just hoping that she will wait that long. Wish me luck, it is getting really close!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hadley was baptized on Jan. 3, 2009. Andrew did the baptism and conformation. He had a big dinner afterwards with all the family. Our family took up almost all the room. Thanks so much for everyone who came.
Andrew made Elaina a doll house for Christmas. This thing is huge (if you can't tell). Elaina loved it. She is very proud of it. I just wish that it didn't take up so much room.
Elaina loved getting this present from Chase. She loves jewlery and dancers. You can see by the look on her face that this is special to her.
Here is Hadley Christmas morning. The boys got lots of nerf stuff and spent many weeks shooting each other and making battle zones and having wars in our basement.


These are some late posts - but better late than never. Chase on Christmas morning with his new rip-stick. I was very nervous to get it for him - I don't really like broken bones. He has praticed a few times outside when the snow has gone down and seems to be getting the hang of it. I could really hate it later.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So yes I had my 34th Birthday yesterday! It is so funny that as a child I couldn't wait to be 13 to be a teenager and have my freedom ( so I thought). Than I couldn't wait to be 16 so I could date. Next was the ever lovely 18 so you could be out on your own and not be ruled by mom and dad. After 18 I waited for 21 so I could go to the dance clubs up at college. After that I wanted to be 25 so my insurance would go down. Now I can honestly say I don't look forward to Birthdays anymore. Birthdays not only mean that I am getting older but that means my kids are getting older too. Which, in turn, means that I am edging every year closer to being a Grandma. Now being a grandma does have it purks but I picture myself with the white hair and the out dated clothes and think there is no way that is happening to me. But if you would have asked me when I was 18 if I was going to be a mom of 4 children before I was 35 I probably would have slapped you too.
I guess that it goes to show we never know how much we will love getting older. I love to watch my kids grow and love to see the new things that they learn. I can't wait for there 1st dates and when they get there driver's licenses. I guess that means that I will have to learn to love the thought of being a Grandma someday too.